
Now we will study the Cyanobacteria....


  • These are blue-green bacterias 
  • photosynthetic , mostly photolysis mediated oxygen evolveing prokaryotes
  • Come among the oldest organisms
  • Thallus ranges from unicellular , colonial to filamentous, multiseriate branched filamentous condition

  • Their distinguishing characters are-
  1. Grow on diverse habitats for they have dual-capacity of oxygenic as well as facultatively anoxygenic photosynthesis.
  2. possess various morphologically distinctive structures like akinetes and heterocyst.
  3. cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan
  4. cyanobacterial cytoplasm is covered extensively by flattened vesicular structures called thylakoids or lamellae which are the photosynthetic sites
  5. Pigments present are-Chlorophyll-a , Beta-carotene , phycobiliproteins (which include phycocyanin , allophycocyanin , phycoerythrin and allophycocyanin B) .
  6. Some are motile and some show gliding movement when not having flagella.
Ultrastructure of cyanobacterial cell-
Ultrastructure of a Cyanobacterial Cell

Examples of cyanobacteria -

Nitrogen Fixing Cyanobacteria: Future Prospect | IntechOpen

So here we complete the overview of cyanobacteria and now will study Eubacteria in the next article.

For any Query or suggestion please do contact me or leave comments.
Thank you

Disclaimer - I do not claim any of the data here. I have referred various books and articles and represented here. All this is just to make concepts easy. Only important and precise data has been provided. It is not for commercial purpose. Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.


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