Question Bank on Introduction to Microbiology and History of microbiology

Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the help of following options :
(John Needham ,Beijerinck , Joseph lister , Anton Van Leeuwenhoek)

1._________ coined the term Virus.
2._________ discovered that carbolic acid can be used as an antiseptic during surgery.
3. __________ was the first to see and describe micro-organisms.
4. ________ proposed the existence of 'Life force'.

Q.2. Answer the following in 2-3 sentences :

1.Explain Agricultural Microbiology.
2.Give any three supporters of theory of Biogenesis.
3. Explain the Golden era of Microbiology.
4. What is the Germ theory of diseases?

Q.3. Answer the following in 5-6 sentences :

1. What are the Koch's Postulates?
2. What is tyndallization as well as pasteurization?
3. What are the River's Postulates?
4. Describe any four fields of microbiology and explain them in brief.

Q.4. Explain in detail (10-12 sentences) : 

1. Give an account on contribution of Louis Pasteur in Microbiology.
2. What is the theory of spontaneous generation? What is the controversy over the same?

This is just a question bank which includes questions which are important from my point of view.I hope this would be useful for you.
Thank you. 


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