Introduction to Microbiology

This is my first article related to my other topic Microbiology. I will discuss topics of both the branches simultaneously.So let us study what is microbiology in this topic.

What is Microbiology?

  • Microbiology is the study of micro-organisms including the bacteria's and all other unicellular, multicellular or acellular microbes.
  • It is a well developed science and is studied under various streams like bacteriology, virology , Molecular biology , plant pathology , Immunology, applied microbiology and many more.
  • Its very interesting branch with a very huge scope.
  • Many events took place in the development of microbiology and its various streams.
  • We will study the history and all the events in the developmental process in the next article.

What are we going to study next :
I. Various Era's in the development of the microbiology

A. Pre-Golden Era-
  1. Discovery of microscope
  2. Discovery of Microbial life
  3. Theory of spontaneous generation
B. Golden Era-
  1. Fermentation
  2. Germ theory of diseases
  3. The pure culture concept
  4. Development of Medical microbiology
  5. Discovery of Viruses
  6. Development of Agricultural Microbiology
C. Post-Golden Era-
  1. Development of Applied microbiology
  2. Development of Basic microbiology
  3. Development of Molecular Biology
II. BioComplexity 

We will study all these things from the further articles.
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