
Showing posts from November, 2017

Mendel's Experiment and his laws 2

Mendel performed three experiments- 1. Monohybrid cross 2. Dihybrid cross 3. Trihybrid cross We will study two of them first in this article. 1. Monohybrid cross  It is a cross between two pure individuals(Parents) which are homozygous in which inheritance pattern of only one pair of contrasting characters is studied. Procedure of experiment- Step 1-Selection of parents and obtaining pure lines He selected pure tall pea plant as female plant(TT) and pure dwarf pea plant as a male parent(tt). He confirmed that the plants are true breeding by selfing them for three generations. Step 2-Artificial cross of the selected plants to raise F1 generation He then performed artificial cross, collected seeds, sowed them and waited for the results. He had expected that either the offspring's would be of intermediate height or 50% of them will be tall and 50% of them will be dwarf. But amazingly all were tall and dwarfness disappeared. Step 3-Selfing of F1 hybrids to raise

Mendel's Experiment and his laws 1

In last Article we understood what is genetics and what are its applications , now let us study Mendelian genetics.i.e. the experiments carried out by Mendel and the laws proposed by him. Gregor Johann Mendel A priest and teacher from Brunn was sent to university of Vienna for higher studies in physics, mathematics and natural sciences. In 1856 he started his experiments on garden peas(Pisum sativum). Unfortunately his work had remained unnoticed for many years till the findings were rediscovered by three scientists independently. They are- 1.Hugo De Vries from England 2.Karl Correns from Germany 3.Erich Tschermak from Austria Based on Mendel's principle Correns postulated three laws which are known as Mendel's laws of inheritance. Before studying Mendel's experiments let us get introduced to some important terms: Character- It is a feature of an organism.Ex. Height, seed colour,etc. Trait- An inherited character and its desirable variant.E

Introduction to Genetics

Introduction to Genetics As the name suggests, it is related to genes. Genetics is the study of genes, genetic variation and Heredity in living organisms. It is a very important branch of bio sciences or life sciences. DNA For maintenance of species and their continuity living organisms reproduce. While reproducing what exactly happens is the genetic material gets replicated. The DNA or RNA is the genetic material. For the replications to take place some basic compounds or bio molecules are required. They are synthesized by some particular process.For example protein synthesis is the process to synthesize protein.The characters which are to be expressed in the next generation follow some particular laws. The genes can now be recombined and modified to obtain desirable features in the living creature.So all this comes under genetics.This is branch with a very huge scope and its demand is increasing day by day. Gregor Johann Mendel is the father of Genetics as he performe